Posts Tagged ‘struggle’


I spied a bagel on the beach
Shining in the sand,
Alas! It was beyond the reach
Of my eager hand;
I swam and struggled, soaking wet
Through the rising tide,
But never could quite get to it
No matter how I tried;
To the ocean’s depths I chased
That lusted onioned ring,
Plainly for the merest taste
I’d do anything;
My air-starved brain became less clear
And then threw in the towel,
I dreamt that bagel cupped my ear
And heard my stomach growl.


08 2009

Digging a Tunnel

I’m digging a tunnel
From my heart to yours
To carve out this pathway
I’m fighting on all fours

Reminds me of digging
That I did once before
Through an onion bagel
Inside the grocery store

I tore out one section
Just to get it started
Then dug with my finger
Until the insides parted

Before long I had a
Hollow bagel in my cart
Too bad it’s much tougher
For me to win your heart

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02 2009